美丽中国-潮汐更迭(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(14)
当有掠食鱼类出现便返回巢穴 in turn attracting larger predatory fish to the reefs.
他们以密集的队列巡游海底 Trly prowl in dense packs.
巨鳐挥扫着优美的鳍翅 Giant rays sweep in on graceful wings
吸食周围残余的浮游生物 to hoover up the remaining plankton,
这些浮游生物同时也吸引了鱼中霸王 which also attracts the king of fish.
长达12米 Growing up to 12 metres long,
鲸鲨却是个温和的大块头 the whale shark is a gentle giant.
这些日子 已难得一见 And these days, a rare sighting.
无论大小鲨鱼皆被捕杀掉 As sharks, small and large,
以供给东亚鲨鱼肉食贸易 are plundered to supply the East Asian shark meat trade,
这一惊人生物命悬一线 the fate of these fabulous creatures hangs in the balance.
While healthy coral reefs still survive in the remote islands,
the situation close to the Chinese coast is quite different.
The waters along the shores of Hainan, China's largest tropical island,
已经历了数千年的捕渔 have been fished for thousands of years.
当珊瑚海越来越贫产 As the reefs become less and less productive,
来自潭门湾的渔夫 fishermen from Tanmen harbour
不得不绞尽脑汁维持生计 need all their resourcefulness to make a living.
孤注一掷与死作伴 他们通过蛇管呼吸
Dicing with death, they breathe air pumped through hose pipes
潜入深海寻觅残存的海底生物 in a desperate bid to catch the last remaining sea life.
Over the years, increased sedimentation and the use of dynamite and cyanide
使得近海的珊瑚难以存活 means the corals close to shore are barely hanging on.
Recently the government has recognised that regulation is needed
则整顿势在必行 if the local fishery is to survive for the future.
每年禁渔两月 Fishing is now banned for two months of the year
以给予海洋生物休养生息的机会 to allow marine life a chance to breed.
对幼鱼而言最重要的热带栖息地之一 One of the most important tropical habitats
红树林沼地 for young fish is mangrove swamps.
在过去四十年间 In the last 40 years,
eighty percent of China's mangroves have been destroyed.
然而地处海南的 But at the Dongzhaigang Mangrove Reserve in Hainan,
东寨港红树林自然保护区 a remarkable conservation initiative
正将年轻的中国志愿者聚集到一起 is bringing young Chinese volunteers together
在粘稠的泥浆中种植红树苗 to plant mangrove saplings in the glutinous mud.
对这些城市孩子而言 For many of these city-born students,
such unglamorous work demonstrates their commitment
对祖国环境事业所肩负的责任 to their country's environment.
正如其他人口众多的国家一样 Like other heavily populated countries,
本文标题:美丽中国-潮汐更迭(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(14)
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