美丽中国-西藏(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(4)
It seems unlikely that scalding mineral springs should support life.
But one unlikely creature thrives here precisely because of them.
这种温泉蛇是西藏所特有的 The hot spring snake is unique to Tibet
and is believed to have survived the inhospitable conditions up
主要归功于这里的天然地热 on the plateau principally thanks to this natural central heating.
These cold-blooded snakes hang out in streams and rivers which are fed
by the hot springs,where they enjoy a surprisingly productive lifestyle.
滑进温暖的水中耐心地等待 脑袋在水面上下疾动静等鱼儿上钩
Slipping into the warm water,they wait patiently,bobbing their heads on the look-out for fish.
Thanks to its unlikely relationship with the volcanic forces which built the Himalayas,
温泉蛇才得以生存在 the hot spring snake is able to survive.
海拔4500米的地方 at altitudes up to 4,500 metres,
这使它成为了世界上过着最奢侈的生活的蛇 making it the highest-living snake in the world.
亚洲和印度板块之间的缓慢运动 The slow-motion crash between Asia and India
已经持续了3千万年之久。 has been going on for 30 million years.
The Himalayas are the crumple-zone created by these two colliding landmasses,
它是一个山峦和山谷的迷宫 a bewildering maze of mountains and valleys,
也是各种难以捉摸的野生动物的家园 home to elusive wild creatures.
在这个多岩的恶劣环境中 In this rugged and unforgiving terrain,
散落着各种碎石和冰冷的河流 littered with fractured rock and ice cold rivers,
极微小的失误也可能导致致命的后果 the slightest miscalculation may have fatal consequences.
雪豹是世界上居住的海拔最高的猫科动物The snow leopard is the world's highest-living big cat.
但这里还有一种更小的食肉动物 它居住在海拔更高的地方
But there's another,smaller predator that ranges even higher,
几乎是在世界之巅 almost to the roof of the world.
在令人目眩的海拔8848米的高度看 At a mind-numbing 8,848 metres high,
珠穆朗玛峰是地球上最危险的地方之一 Everest is one of the most hostile places for life on Earth.
数百人在试图征服它的尝试中死于非命 Hundreds of people have died trying to conquer it.
But when climbers first reached the ice fields three quarters of the way
有种生物早已在这方面打败了他们。 up the mountain,something had already beaten them to it.
This jumping spider is the highest permanent resident on the planet.
在珠穆朗玛峰的冰川之中 Totally at home amongst the glaciers of Everest,
它在斜坡上四处搜索靠风飞行的猎物 比如弹尾虫。
it scours the slopes for wind-borne prey such as springtails.
本文标题:美丽中国-西藏(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(4)
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