
美丽中国-熊猫之地(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(13)

作者:地理人 来源:未知 时间:2023-11-27 阅读: 字体: 在线投稿

最终显形 is finally coming to light
在熊猫的最后生存地 In one of the panda's last strongholds
一场鲜有人目睹的 a drama is about to unfold
活剧正拉开帷幕 one which has rarely been witnessed
一只年轻雌性现身山谷 A young female has ventured into the valley
在雄性当中引起一阵骚动 sparking a flurry of interest among the resident males
熊猫通常保持单身 A panda's life is mostly solitary
直到春天繁殖季节到来 until the spring breeding season
当交配的机会来临 when the brief opportunity to mate arises
雄性必须加紧抓住机会 the males must be ready to take their chance
然而时机 决定一切 but timing is everything
这只雄性的出场方式不够精明 This male's approach is somewhat lacking subtlety
总之这只雌性尚未为他做好准备 and anyway the female isn't ready for him, yet
她的受孕顶峰时期仅仅维持两天 her peak receptive time lasts just two days
所以雄性持续守护在雌性身边 so he guards her
靠竹子供给时刻等待几乎 finding his time with a good supply of bamboo
不巧的是挟持者和被挟持者都需要进食 Unfortunately his hostage must eat too
但她显然不想放下身段屈就 but she dosen't exactly feel like descending
另一只雄性目睹一切 被吸引而来 Another male has been attracted to the scene
他已经历了数个繁殖季节 He is a veteran of many breeding seasons
他小心防范着他的对手 He is wary of his rival
因为每年这个时候 because at this time of year
雄性都有可能从温和的竹食者 males are transformed from peace-loving bamboo eaters
化身为潜在杀手 into potential killers
尽管充满危险 他为自己创造了机会 Despite the danger, he makes a challenge
守卫者现身与之对决 The defending male rises to meet him
挑战者被守卫者追击 The challenger is chased by the defending male
在繁密的竹林中 In the thick bamboo
战斗随着雄性追求支配地位而愈发激烈 the battle rages as the males fight for dominance
雌性则明哲保身 置身事外 The female wisely stays clear of trouble
守护者在体型和体力上的超凡优势 The challenger backs down
使得挑战者 The size and strength of the defending male
最终败下阵来 is just too much
败者撤退 筋疲力尽但却畅享胜利的胜者
The loser retreats and the exhausted but triumphant victor
回到他的雌性身边 returns to the female
这次她已然为他而做好了准备 This time she is ready for him
而非逃避 instead of running,she waits
这种非凡的求爱行径 This is the first time
首次在野生条件下 this extraordinary courtship behaviour
被记录下来 has ever been filmed in the wild
如果交配成功 If mating is successful
雌性将会产下一只小兽 the female will produce a single cub
并独自抚养他长大 and rear it on her own
当今有关野生动物保护的观念日益增强 Today with improving attitudes
为野生动物的繁衍生息 towards wild life conservation
带来了新的希望 there is hope
中国现存1600只依旧有生存希望的 that China's 1600 remaining wild pandas
  本文标题:美丽中国-熊猫之地(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(13)



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