美丽中国-熊猫之地(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(9)
现在只有大约150只扬子鳄 There are only around 150 Chinese alligators
生存于野生环境中 left in the wild
多亏像老农常金荣这样 and it's mainly down to the care and protection
致力于此的人们的 offered by dedicated people like retired farmer
关心和保护 Chang Jinrong
他们才得以幸存 that any survive at all
现如今大多数扬子鳄生活在豢养环境中 Today, most Chinese alligators live in captivity
在宣城附近的繁殖研究中心 At this breeding center near Xuancheng
Chinese alligators gather for their extraordinary courtship
雄性发出吼声以吸引异性 The males bellow to attract a mate
声音在水中向四周传播 As it travels through the water
可以被雌性听到和感觉到 the sound is both heard and felt by the female
吼声 The bellowing
是她挑选配偶的依据 is her cue to investigate
在不为人知的扬子鳄的世界里 In the alien world of the Chinese alligator
他们两个可以通过爪下腺体的气味 these two will be able to learn much about each other
进一步地了解彼此 using the scent glands under their jaws
对选择的雄性满意后 Satisfied with her choice
他们会在交配之前游开 the two swim off together before mating
土龙的幸存归功于 The muddy dragon owes its continued survival
25年前由政府策划的 to a government initiative a quarter of a century ago
宣城封闭繁育研究中心 which created the captive breeding center
的建立 at Xuancheng
经过深入研究发现 Having dug a little deeper
对自然的古老信仰 it does seem that ancient beliefs about nature
似乎在当代中国仍有共鸣 still have resonance in modern China
沿着扬子江的 Far upstream
山中的支流逆流而上 along one of the Yangtze's mountain tributaries
另一个宏伟的自然保护工程 another ambitious conservation project
正试图拯救中国最著名的生物 is attempting to save China's most famous creature
中国第一个封闭的大熊猫繁育中心China's first captive breeding center for the giant panda
始建于1983年 opened in 1983
这里是卧龙保护区 This is Wolong Reserve
与野生熊猫居住的竹林 a far cry from the bamboo forests
相差甚远 where wild pandas live
每年春天 Every spring
雌雄熊猫被运到这里 male and female pandas are ferried around the site
希望 in the hope
可以引导他们进行交配 that introductions will lead to romance
科学家们 Scientists
一直在努力促使大熊猫 have been trying to encourage the pandas
自然交配 to breed naturally
但却很难成功 but it's difficult to the get the conditions right
因为几乎没人看到过 since few people have ever seen
大熊猫是如何在野生环境中求爱的 how panda courtship happens in the wild
同时 Meanwhile
人工授精 artificial insemination
已被证获得巨大成功 has proved highly successful
由于仅仅5周大 At just five weeks old
这个熊猫宝宝需要24小时的看护 this baby needs 24-hour care
熊猫宝宝太珍贵了 It's simply too precious to be entrusted
本文标题:美丽中国-熊猫之地(BBC Wild China)中英双语对照文本字幕(9)
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