

作者:地理人 来源:未知 时间:2024-08-24 阅读: 字体: 在线投稿
weighted sum 加权和
weighting bottle 称瓶
weir 堰
welded tuff 熔结凝灰岩
well 井
well curb 井口护井圈
well drilling 凿井
well function 井函数
west point 毋
westerlies 偏午
westerly wind 偏午
wet adiabat 湿绝热线
wet adiabatic change 湿绝热变化
wet adiabatic lapse rate 湿绝热递减率
wet adiabatic process 湿绝热过程
wet analysis 湿法分析
wet bulb temperature 湿球温度
wet bulb thermometer 湿球温度表
wet meadow soil 湿草甸土
wet sample 湿试样
wet soil 渍水土壤
wet solonchak 湿盐土
wet year 多水年
wetted area 受潮面积
wetting front 湿润锋
wheat 小麦
wheat cultivation 小麦栽培
wheat yield estimation 小麦估产
whirler 旋转涂膜机
whirlpool 旋涡
whirlwind 涡旋风
white clay 高岭土
white light 白光
white mica 白云母
whitecap 白浪
whole pipette 全量吸移管
whooping cough 百日咳
whorl 轮生
wichtisite 玻基粗粒玄武岩
wide angle camera 宽角射影机
wide angle lens 宽角物镜
wide bandpass filter 宽带滤光片
width of the channel 渠宽
willow stand 柳林
wilting 凋萎
wilting coefficient 萎蔫系数
wilting point 凋萎点
wilting range 凋萎含水量范围
wind 风
wind blown soil 风积土
wind break forest 防风林
wind carving 风蚀
wind current 风海流
wind damage 风害
wind direction 风向
wind direction meter 风向测定器
wind pide 风向界线
wind drift 飞砂
wind driven current 吹流风海流
wind driven waves 强制波
wind effected phenomena 风力效应现象
wind erosion 风蚀
wind erosion pillar 蕈状石
wind finding radar 测风雷达
wind force 风力
wind forest strip 防护林带
wind load 风压负载
wind measurement 风速测定法
wind path 风程
wind pollination 风媒
wind resistance 抗风性
wind ripples 风成波痕
wind rose 风向图
wind rotation 风向转变
wind sack 风向袋



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